
The Bioanuwai database is an open access web-portal for storing, enhancing and sharing occurrence records of insects, birds and mammals. This database originates from the Bird and Butterfly Pollinators’ Project that is funded by JRS-Biodiversity Foundation. The Bioanuwai portal follows the DarwinCore format and is thus compatible with many other international data systems. Information that can be generated from this portal includes species name (scientific name, common name, and Swahili name), locality (including geographical coordinates) and altitude, number of species, pollinator, IUCN red-list category and data authorship information.

Different from other portals, the Bioanuwai portal is also translated into Swahili. Swahili is spoken in Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. It is an official language of SADC countries and AU. This translation will allow many more local people to increase their knowledge in species identification.

Uploading and downloading data to/from Bioanuwai Portal:

Data can be uploaded to the Bioanuwai portal in two ways:

  • Directly entering individual records on the web-based data entry window; or
  • Uploading records pre-entered from a standard excel template.

Downloading data has been simplified in a way that one can first pre-select variables of preference by just one click can get the information.

Data uses and acknowledgment:

While this is an open dataset, to keep a track of data uses, before download each user will receive a simple form to fill in his/her information and how he/she intend to use the data.

All data users will be required to cite the data as obtained from bioanuwai.tawiri.or.tz and should cite the original author(s).

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