
Details for Individual Record

Added By: deovolentm

Date: 06-02-2020
Study Area: Lukwangule
Protected Area: Nature Reserve
District: Mvomero
Region: Morogoro
Sex: _
Pollination Service: No
Data Collector(s): Raymond Okicki, Sylivester Benard and Personal Kalenga
Recorder(s): Theodora venance
Sampling Method: Pollard Transect
Transect Number: 2
Sampling Technique: Sweepnet
Time Start: 11:51 AM
Time End: 11:58 AM
Sunny (% time): _
Cloudy (% time): _
Rainy (% time): _
Habitat Type: G
Canopy Cover (%): _
Datum: WGS 84
UTM Zone: 37
UTM Easting: 347135
UTM Northing: 9215184
Geolocation Accuracy (m): _
Estimated Elevation (m): _
Methods for Estimation of Elevation: _
Institution Housing Specimen: Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
Institutional Collection Number: _
Museum Housing Specimen: _
Museum Collection Number: _
Comments: _
Investigator Name: Devolent Tomas Mtui
Institutional Affiliation: Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
Group: insects
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Amauris
Species: Amauris (Amaura) ellioti junia
Scientific Name Authority: Butler, 1895
English Common Name: Chief
Swahili Common Name: _
IUCN Redlist Category: _

