
Date Animal (Species) Study Area Investigator Name Institutional Affiliation Added By Actions
21-02-2020 Telchinia (T) vuilloti Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Precis tugela aurorina Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Amauris (A) n. niavius Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Protogoniomorpha parhassus Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Bicyclus danckelmani Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Bicyclus danckelmani Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Bicyclus danckelmani Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Acraea (A) i. insignis Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Amauris (Amaura) echeria meruensis Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Neptis sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Reserch Institute deovolentm
13-02-2019 Anthene montana Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
14-02-2019 Uranothauma falkensteini Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
14-02-2019 Anthene montana Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
15-02-2019 Anthene sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
15-02-2019 Anthene sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
17-02-2019 Cacyreus palemon Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
18-02-2019 Anthene sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
20-02-2019 Uranothauma nguru Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
20-02-2019 Anthene montana Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
21-02-2019 Leptotes pirithous Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
22-02-2019 Anthene sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
22-02-2019 Anthene sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
22-09-2019 Anthene sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
25-09-2019 Anthene pitmani Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
06-02-2020 Uranothauma nguru Lukwangule Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
07-02-2020 Anthene montana Lukwangule Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
10-02-2020 Uranothauma nguru Lukwangule Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
12-02-2020 Uranothauma nguru Lukwangule Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
16-02-2020 Charaxes sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
16-02-2020 Euchrysops sp. Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
21-02-2020 Anthene montana Bondwa Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
02-06-2006 Borbo fallax Kirawira Anthony Sinclair British of Columbia University deovolentm
03-06-2006 Borbo detecta Ndabaka Plains Anthony Sinclair British of Columbia University deovolentm
09-02-2023 Catopsilia florella West Usambara Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm
09-02-2023 Catopsilia florella West Usambara Devolent Tomas Mtui Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute deovolentm

Showing 2901 to 2935 of 2935 entries