
Details for Individual Record

Added By: Bill Newmark

Date: 19-09-2019
Study Area: Shume-Magamba Forest Reserve
Protected Area: Nature Reserve
District: Lushoto
Region: Tanga
Sex: unknown
Pollination Service: No
Data Collector(s): _
Recorder(s): _
Sampling Method: _
Transect Number: _
Sampling Technique: mist-net
Time Start: _
Time End: _
Sunny (% time): _
Cloudy (% time): _
Rainy (% time): _
Habitat Type: _
Canopy Cover (%): _
Datum: WGS84
UTM Zone: 37 M
UTM Easting: 418609
UTM Northing: 9477111
Geolocation Accuracy (m): _
Estimated Elevation (m): 1800
Methods for Estimation of Elevation: Digital Elevation Model
Institution Housing Specimen: _
Institutional Collection Number: _
Museum Housing Specimen: _
Museum Collection Number: _
Comments: Surveys were conducted over 5 continuous days. The date of a survey corresponds to the temporal midpoint (day 3) of the 5-day survey.
Investigator Name: Monte Neate-Clegg/Bill Newmark
Institutional Affiliation: University of Utah
Group: birds
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Turdidae
Genus: Pogonocichla
Species: Pogonocichla stellata
Scientific Name Authority: Pogonocichla stellata Vieillot, 1818
English Common Name: White-starred Forest Robin
Swahili Common Name: Zuwanende Doajeupe
IUCN Redlist Category: _

